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Norm Adams

2011/12 wrap up

It's good for me to sit back and reflect on chunks of time. I generally do a lot of stuff in my wacky and full life, and more and more I'm forgetting half of what I do! - just get activity #13 done, and move right on to activity #14! I need to do this, to remember, and to take stock, and maybe learn from experiences

So the season is done, I'm adding up the numbers, writing the last cheques, and resetting the books for next year.

The season started, really at the Halifax Jazz Festival, where Tim Crofts, Lukas Pearse and I played a set at 1313 Hollis Street. I love being around for the Jazz Fest, it's nice to be back home from PEI where I live in summer. Unfortunately it's usually a quick trip, without much time to bask in the great vibe they make each year. (okay now I have the calendar out....)

September 15 was Hoarse Rattle, the show with Arthur Bull and Isaiah Ceccarelli (I learned to spell, without hesitation some good names this year: Ceccarelli, Vespaziani, Reidemeister, oh yeah..). This concert was fun, because we rehearsed a couple of times, a little less than I like to, but the trajectory of musical development was really clear and surprising! The concert ended up sounding quite different than what I expected, and I really liked it. Both musicians play so confidently, it was a great way to start the year! We videoed that concert and I put an excerpt or two on the sL YouTube Channel, check it out.

Next was Dragos Diatribe. You are going to have to tell me about this one, I was out of town on our annual 3 days in Kingsport NS for the weekend, and left Tim in charge! They shared a show with Jerry Granelli and Dani Oore, and I heard it was interesting! I'm always fascinated and excited to get calls or emails from out of the blue asking to play in Halifax. My first reaction is always, "why ask me?" And then I remember, oh yeah, we've been around for a while here, suddenlyLISTEN is a known entity! That makes me happy.

May 30, 2012 at 14:43

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