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2013, What already?

Norm Adams

Well that was a bit of a blur! The first part of suddenlyLISTEN's season blasted by, mostly because instead of sprinkling events liberally throughout our usual September to May season, I packed the majority of events into September to December.

ooh awkwardly posed shot!

Why? you ask? Well because I'm skipping the country with my family for 4 months overseas! We'll be in France, Morocco,  and the UK, with trips to Italy, The Netherlands and Spain to boot. I'm taking a cello, (and a bike) and will be playing shows in London and Berlin, as well and searching out improvisers wherever we are, to hang and play! But it's not really about music (although that is bound to crop up....), it's about living differently and speaking French and generally shaking the foundations of all Halifax routine! We are pretty excited. I'll be blogging from there, and it might be on this site, or another, I'll keep you posted. So back to sL: Joelle Leandre's time here was amazing, not only did D'Arcy, Derek, Joelle and I play for the largest number of people we've ever stuffed into the Bus Stop Theatre, we also enjoyed two nights of workshop that got both Halifax improvisers thinking, but spun the heads of a bunch of Dalhousie music students as well! That was pretty rewarding too. Joelle remains one of the most honest, intense and crazy people I know, and we're going to visit her in Paris! Wow. Keep in mind though: the sL season is still not over! We are playing at the Open Waters Festival on January 10th (the Crofts / Adams / Pearse Trio) and January 12th (the Hourglass Ensemble with Jeff Reilly, Peter Weigold, Tom Easley, Nick Haley and Erin Costello); Workshops will begin January 14th at 1313 Hollis; And there is Siren Song, the concert featuring Zokugaku (Tim Crofts, Georgie Haley and Doug Cameron) and Toronto vocalist Tena Palmer on March 10th at The Bus Stop Theatre. That will be a great concert. I'll be reminding you from afar, don't worry.

Joelle at her workshop dancing? Or flying?

I'm leaving Tim Crofts in charge here, and I'll be watching and listening for news of the work sL will be into in my absence! And I'll be writing and planning next season which is shaping up to be pretty fun looking!

Jan 2, 2013 at 17:29

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