So it’s New Years, And my resolution is to write more in this blog. I actually just made that up, which is an indication of just how “stream of consciousness” I seem to be. Scary. No really I do want to write more, it helps put some perspective on things, and even a little clarity on what we're trying to do each week.
So I’m staring down the pipe of a busy winter, I’ve just got Gerry Hemingway’s plane reservations together for late January, and Lukas and I have made a plan for the recording we’re doing. Those concerts are February 1 and 2 at The Presbyterian Church of Saint David, on Grafton Street.
Oh yeah, I’ve started promotions for that show too, even though it’s a very busy four-concert week! (one chamber, one orchestral, one solo and one improvy chamber!) (Make sure to check out the new incarnation of the Open Waters Festival Jan 6 – 8, that’s where most of this is happening)
So please keep your eyes and ears open for suddenlyLISTEN. Surf on over to the still new website, (join our mailing list, if you’re not on it already!)(Or let me know how much you love being on the mailing list, or ask to get off of it if it drives you crazy and keeps you home on concert nights) then to the Facebook group where I put up links and notices, (Feeling like a joiner? You can join that too while you’re there…) We’ve got very exciting things on the go for 2010/11 Part Two!
In lieu of writing more, I’d like to celebrate the year so far with some pictures! They are possibly worth a thousand words. More thoughts will follow, I promise.
Until then, drop me line, and Happy NewYear too!
Jan 4, 2011 at 20:06