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Norm Adams

suddenlyLISTEN's Fall Newsletter

We are hard at work here at suddenlyLISTEN HQ. So far, this season Hoarse Rattle, with Isaiah and Arthur was a real musical revelation: interactive and almost tonal; and Open Source 1 with JP Carter, Tim, Panos and Geordie was super subtle with constant shifting colours. And have many more great events for you to enjoy, and take part in, coming up!

Please read on and see what we have in store.

Main Series 2 > Dorian

Karen Bassett, Theo Pitsiavas, Sebastien Labelle > actors

Gina Burgess, David Christensen, Norman Adams, Lukas Pearse > musicians

8pm, Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Bus Stop Theatre

2203 Gottingen Street, Halifax

$20 and $10 at the door

How about this for a dangerous idea:  theatre and music, interactively created in real time, all within a framework offered by “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, by Oscar Wilde? Improvised opera? Maybe! Risky? Definitely. In collaboration with Irondale Ensemble Project, 3 of Halifax’s most experienced improvising actors and 4  of our most versatile musicians will explore the rich themes from the novel, making music that instigates narrative, and action that is coloured and enhanced by sound. Things are developing rapidly as we begin to meet and work together, watch for updates and more details on our Facebook page or the suddenlyLISTEN website.

Open Source 2 - The Workshop Benefit - December 12th the sL Improvisation Workshop will offer the second annual Xmas Benefit Show. Last year we raised funds for Medcines Sans Frontieres, while showing off the work of our workshop community. This year we will hold this special event Monday December 12 at 8pm at 1313 Hollis Street. Admission is by donation, with all proceeds going to a charity, of the workshop’s choosing!

Oooh A Contest! - May 12, 2012, sL will present Vox Latrina a concert featuring vocalists DB Boyko and Christine Duncan. While in Halifax, they will perform Stall, by Christopher Butterfield, a duet intended to be performed in a bathroom! So we need to find the largest, most reverberant washroom in HRM, and we need your help! Send submissions to sL by email, and the winner will be showered with gifts, and will be flushed with pride when the performance takes place in their chosen lavatory!

News from the Board of Directors - We welcome our new Board Chair Sarah Hainsworth to sit in the big chair in the sL boardroom, and we thank outgoing Chair Steve Naylor for his continued support. If you are interested in serving on our Board, let Norm Adams know.

Other Events

Feb. 26 - the sum of its parts - featuring Spanner (Newfoundland), Tim Crofts and Norman Adams

Apr. 23 - John Butcher - Still in the works but pretty exciting! Stay tuned…..

The Improv Workshop continues on alternating Mondays at 7:30 pm at 1313 Hollis Street.

All are welcome. The atmosphere is super relaxed and you can sing or play any instrument you like. Just come and make music with us! Email here for details and dates

If you’d like to donate to help us in our activities, we would deeply appreciate it, and you receive a tax receipt!

As always we gratefully acknowledge and thank Nova Scotia Communities, Culture and Heritage and The Canada Council for the Arts for their ongoing support.

Oct 24, 2011 at 20:37

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