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Sun, May 12


St. David's Presbyterian Church

Coded Lines, Symbolic Scratches

Halifax pianist Tim Crofts has assembled a new ensemble to interpret graphic, video, sculptural and other scores: Nicole Rampersaud (trumpet), Norm Adams (cello), and Nicola Miller (saxophone).

Coded Lines, Symbolic Scratches
Coded Lines, Symbolic Scratches

Time & Location

May 12, 2024, 3:00 p.m.

St. David's Presbyterian Church, 1544 Grafton St, Halifax, NS B3J 2G1, Canada

About the Event

Musicians can read scores. But scores aren’t just notes on 5 lines of music paper. They can be an infinite variety of suggestions to performers on what to play and how to play. Halifax pianist Tim Crofts has assembled a new ensemble to interpret graphic, video, sculptural and other kinds of scores with him: Nicole Rampersaud (trumpet), Norm Adams (cello), and Nicola Miller (saxophone).

suddenlyLISTEN Artistic Director Norm Adams writes: “Tim and I have talked for a long time about creating an ensemble like this. It mixes internationally known musicians from jazz, classical and experimental art music with a wide variety of different kinds of pieces. I’m looking forward to reassembling this successful quartet with Nicole and Nicola that we formed last season, to hear what new sounds we make together this year! It’s always a great show when we can put together a group like this: Nicole Rampersaud who is considered a real rock star in Canadian new music, Nicola Miller who has quickly established herself as a go to musician in our scene and Tim who is a deeply respected leader, performer and educator”


Tim Crofts, piano

Nicola Miller, saxophone

Nicole Rampersaud, trumpet

Norm Adams, cello


Concert tickets are $25 or pay what you can, available at the door.

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