Okay we're in October, which means November is coming and that's becoming the busiest of month here in suddenlyLISTEN land!
I'm just trying to keep the balls in the air, as Paul Cram would so wisely say.
First of all: The Cello of Mr. O is now a 2 show affair, we've added a show so they will be October 27th at 2 Pm and 8pm, so please read my previous post but ignore the times I gave you. Please visit the Facebook event for Mr O and bring your kids, or bring yourself, if you are a kid!
Then November begins. First, I'd love you to know about David Aaron's Improv at The Khyber on November 3rd. David is a former Haligonian, and concert presenter, and having him back from NYC is a big treat. His thing is putting together groups on the spot, without letting the audience or the performers know who their partners are! It's pretty cool and I had a memorable experience early in my improvising career, playing at the Khyber with Mellisa Andrew. it was fun and important. Lets get down to The Khyber and see what happens!
Okay, then we really start: Joel Leblanc and Ken Aldcroft on the 10th, at 1313;Â Rimouski, on the 12th, at the Bus Stop, Elwood Epps at 1313 on the 25th.....can we handle this much creative music?
I can.
And then Joelle Leandre comes in December! But that's another topic for discussion later.
Please contact me with questions or leave a comment here. Watch Facebook for more up to date info, and see you at the shows!
Oct 19, 2012 at 23:23