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Norm Adams


With the first concert of out 2012/13 season out of the way I feel like the future has become the present. We organizers spend so much time thinking ahead, that when the event finally happens, we’ve already moved on, and are thinking about the next show, or even the next season!

I think I’ve written about this before……And I am already thinking ahead about the next season, but also about the next event: Mr O.

I have worked on Mr O for so long it feels like part of my DNA, or even like it’s already happened, it’s gone through so many permutations and vain attempts! I’m so happy that we’re going to bring this lovely story to life. Jane Cutler, the author, who I have been in touch with through the thick and thin of our take on Mr O, since 2005 has been so patient and generous with me, I guess I really do all this for her! Her story is so rich and moving that I can’t wait to share it with you all.

We have a great team: Steven Naylor is providing the score: A few years ago, with the help of the Nova Scotia Communities Culture and Heritage (thank-you), suddenlyLISTEN commissioned him to create a score that combines original and improvised music, electronic music, and J.S. Bach! And he’s almost there! Keep at it Steve! Steve will also oversee the images that will enhance the story as it is told. We have Karen Bassett who will tell the story, playing all the parts, and playing with me. Karen was involved in Mr O from our humble beginnings, in 2006. Luckily I haven’t had to pay her a retainer! I will play the cello part, (not acting at all). It will be a challenge because I’ll be expected to play Bach, improvise using electronics, and listen to the story syncing up some key sections. It’s sort of down my alley….We have Theo Pitsiavas, who I got to work with last season in suddenlyLISTEN’s Dorian. Theo will act as outside eye, and all-round theatre expert. And we have Laura Kennedy, the teacher who sent “The Cello of Mr. O” home with my son Toby when he was in Grade 4. She's got great taste! Laura will handle the curriculum around this presentation. Eventually I‘d like this show to be one that can play to school kids of many ages. The message is crystal clear, but I’d really rather leave it to a pro to speak to the various ages of kids we will target.

It’s a great team, and I think we’ll bring you an unforgettable experience. And hopefully we’ll be able to get the show into the schools locally, and across the country to spread the message contained in this lovely story.

So it’s October 27that 7pm at The Bus Stop Theatre, 2203 Gottingen Street. The show will be about an hour long, so kids are welcome and encouraged to come.

The cost will be $20 for adults, $10 for students and $5 for youngsters.

That’s the first news about it, I bet you’ll hear more as we get closer!

Sep 21, 2012 at 16:19

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