I love Vancouver. The coffee shops smell good, the sushi is fresher than anywhere else, the air is salty, and the mountains are right over there! We had an afternoon rehearsal at The Western Front. it was nice to talk about Wednesdays show, sort of break it down and talk a bit about what worked and what we can think about for tomorrow. I think Pui Ming's analysis pegged it: She told us she felt like we are 3 very different musicians with quite contrasting music dialects, and that we need to celebrate that fact, and use the differences to create something new. I liked that very much. I have grown to feel that my personal challenge through this experience has been to push the edges of our music out, and inject some of my more extended playing into the mix. Find the space to do this, is a unique challenge and I've enjoyed finding ways to comment on the trio's music in a more noise or texture based way. The Western Front is a 40 year old art centre housed in an old wooden building, with galleries, a dance studio and a large room for a performance hall. The chairs are moveable so we're going to play in the centre of the room with the audience surrounding us. The room really calls for it we decided. Tomorrow we do the longest day, drive to Victoria and play at Wood Hall at night. I'm looking forward to another dose of old friends, family and some music making that has be enriched by Toronto's show and today's work! Oh and the ferry ride! Love that ferry ride.....
Mar 10, 2012 at 05:00